Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Les Festes d'Altea: Dilunes

Las Fiestas de Altea:  Lunes
The Fiestas of Altea:  Monday

Today was the concluding parade, Mass, and also my host dad, Ángel's, birthday.  After the parade we went to have a barbecue at Alex's house.  Alex is short for Alejandra (she's my host sister if you didn't know) and she just had her baby boy a little more than 2 weeks ago, they named him Liam.
Here's some photos and make sure to check out my Youtube channel linked a couple of posts ago.  There's some really cool videos of everything. 
A happy birthday message to my host dad in Valencian, notice the year...

Jamón Serrano flavoured Ruffles

Following is a bunch of photos of floats, groups, and the previously described "peñas" in the parade

The one on the far left is my friend Patri and on the far right is Aitana

At Alex's house getting ready to eat on the outdoor table

Host Family!

Pax & Bonum